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Making the Transition Back to College Easier with a Counselor’s Help

Going back to college can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you’re a freshman or returning for another year, the transition can bring new challenges. Speaking to a counselor can make this process smoother. Here’s how a counselor can help you with various aspects of your college life.

Coordinating Class and Social Schedules

Balancing academics with a social life is vital for a well-rounded college experience. A counselor can help you coordinate your class schedule with your social activities. They can assist you in finding time for clubs, sports, and social events without compromising your studies. This balance can enhance your college experience, helping you stay engaged and motivated.

Creating New Study Habits 

Effective study habits are key to academic success. If you’re struggling with your current methods or facing new academic challenges, a counselor can provide strategies to improve your study habits. They can introduce techniques like time management, active learning, and setting realistic goals. With their support, you can develop a study routine that works best for you, boosting your productivity and confidence. As for the study habits part, the counselors help combat task paralysis and procrastination/motivation concerns. Disorders like ADHD and Anxiety can make keeping up with scholastic responsibilities more difficult, and a counselor can help build new skills and coping mechanisms.

Finding New Self-Care Strategies

College life can be stressful, making self-care more important than ever. A counselor can help you identify self-care strategies that fit your lifestyle and needs. Whether it’s regular exercise, mindfulness practices, or hobbies, they can guide you in integrating self-care into your daily routine. This can help you manage stress, stay healthy, and maintain a positive outlook throughout the school year.

How Carolina Therapy Connection Can Help

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we understand the challenges of returning to college. Our counselors are ready to help you navigate this transition with ease. We offer free 15-minute screenings to get you started, and we can set up an evaluation to create a personalized plan for your success. Reach out to us today, and let us support you on your college journey.


Empowering Parents and Caregivers of Special Needs Children: The Impact of Mental Health and Peer Support

Parenting is an adventure full of joyful moments, challenging times, and learning opportunities. While parenting is tough and offers both challenges and chances for growth, raising a child with special needs comes with its own unique set of difficulties and rewards. Parents and caregivers of special needs children often have to attend multiple specialist appointments, ensuring their child receives the right care and support at school and other settings. They also participate in meetings to advocate for their child’s needs, research and locate specialized treatments and services, and spend additional money on treatments not covered by insurance. Additionally, they must learn about their child’s unique requirements and take care of themselves to manage the physical and emotional demands of caregiving. It’s no wonder that parents of special needs children are often called superheroes.

Understanding the Challenges

Parents and Caregivers of special needs children face many challenges that can affect how they feel:

  • Chronic Stress: Attending multiple doctor and specialty visits, therapy sessions, school meetings, and daily care routines can be challenging.
  • Emotional Impact: Parents of children with special needs often feel guilt, frustration, worry, or isolation. They may struggle with a lack of support or finding others who understand their situation. Social events can be challenging due to their child’s unique needs, and they may experience grief over a different parenting journey than they had imagined.
  • Financial Pressure: Special treatments and therapies can be costly and not always covered by insurance, adding even more stress.
  • Navigating Systems: It’s hard to know where to receive support, understand the different available services’ processes, and get timely and accessible services.

The Role of Mental Health

As a parent or caregiver, taking care of your own mental health is not always on the top of the priority list when there are so many other things that need care, but it is equally as important. We cannot pour from an empty cup. Learning ways to handle stress and anxiety brings an opportunity to give yourself support, model support for other parents and caregivers, and model for your children that taking care of yourself and their own mental health is essential, strong, and normal. Even superheroes have a little support, and that’s okay.

  • Managing Stress: Learning to navigate stress helps parents and caregivers face challenges and increase their ability to respond to difficulties versus react. 
  • Emotional Support: Having someone to talk to who can be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or give a hug that takes our breath away can make a difference; who’s your superhero sidekick or team? 
  • Self-Care: Taking time to yourself that’s just for you helps you to understand your own unique needs, be more present for your child and loved ones, and respond accordingly in times of stress. Make a list of self-care ideas, something sustainable and achievable. 
  • Building Resilience: Developing self-awareness around your own mental health needs, managing your emotions, and accessing support when needed helps parents deal with tough times; you’re adding tools to your superhero tool belt. 

The Power of Peer Support

Talking to other parents and caregivers who are going through similar situations can help:

  • Shared Experiences: Connecting with other parents and caregivers who understand what you’re going through can encourage connection and help you feel less isolated.
  • Practical Tips: Other parents and caregivers can give guidance based on their own experiences that might help you or lead you to additional resources. It’s important for superheroes to come together when needed. 
  • Feeling Empowered: Knowing that other parents and caregivers support you can boost your confidence and give you inspiration. 

How Carolina Therapy Connection Can Help

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we know how important mental health and support are for parents and caregivers of special needs children. Here’s what we offer:

  • Free 15-Minute Screening: Call us to set up a free 15-minute talk with one of our counselors. It can help you decide if therapy might be helpful for you.
  • Therapy that Fits You: Our counselors are experts at helping parents with treatments that work and are tailored just for you.
  • Peer Support Groups: Join other parents and caregivers like you in groups where you can share stories, learn, and support each other. 

Supporting parents and caregivers of special needs children means caring for both the kids and the parents and caregivers themselves. When we focus on mental health and peer support, we partner with parents and caregivers to assist in providing the superhero strength they need for their journey.  


Contact Carolina Therapy Connection at 252-341-9944 or visit to learn more.


What is Play Therapy in a Mental Health Setting? 

Play Therapy is a type of therapy that uses play to help children understand and deal with their emotions and problems. It’s a natural way for kids to express themselves and work through issues they may face. In a mental health setting, Play Therapy can be very helpful in addressing various psychological problems, offering many benefits for young patients.

Appropriate Age Range for Play Therapy

Play Therapy is usually for children aged 3 to 12 years. However, it can also be adjusted for older kids and teens who might benefit from it. This flexibility makes Play Therapy accessible and useful for different age groups, ensuring that each child gets the support they need in a way that works for them.

Who Can Benefit from Play Therapy?

Play Therapy can help children with many emotional and behavioral problems, including:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Behavioral disorders
  • ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Social and relationship issues
  • Grief and loss

Children can deal with complex emotions and experiences by playing in a safe and supportive environment. This therapy is also great for kids who may struggle to talk about their feelings, as it lets them communicate through play.

The Process of Play Therapy

The Play Therapy process has several stages, each tailored to the child’s needs:

  1. Assessment: The therapist first understands the child’s needs, behaviors, and family situation.
  2. Building Rapport: Creating a trusting relationship between the therapist and the child is crucial. This is done through engaging and non-directive play.
  3. Therapeutic Play Sessions: In these sessions, the child can play with various toys and materials. The therapist watches and interacts, using specific techniques to address the child’s problems.
  4. Parental Involvement: Parents or caregivers are often involved in the therapy process, receiving guidance to support the therapy at home.
  5. Evaluation and Progress Monitoring: The counselor regularly checks the child’s progress and adjusts the therapy as needed.

Positive Impact on Mental Health

Play Therapy provides deep insights into a child’s emotional world and helps them develop healthier coping skills. It builds resilience, enhances emotional intelligence, and improves problem-solving abilities. By working through their issues in a playful and non-threatening way, children can achieve significant psychological growth and stability.

How Can Carolina Therapy Connection Help?

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we understand how powerful Play Therapy can be. Our team of skilled mental wellness counselors is here to support your child’s mental health journey. We offer free screenings to see if Play Therapy is the right fit for your child. Contact us today to schedule a screening and take the first step toward your child’s mental well-being.


The Benefits of Teletherapy in Mental Health Settings

Teletherapy has become very popular in recent years. It uses technology to provide mental health services through video calls, phone calls, or online chats. This method makes getting help easier for many people. In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits of teletherapy, who can use it, and how it can help everyone.

What is Teletherapy?

Teletherapy, or online therapy, lets you talk to a counselor from home using your computer or phone. This means you don’t have to travel to a counselor’s office to get help.

Benefits of Online Therapy

  1. Accessibility and Convenience: Online therapy makes it easier to get help no matter where you live or how busy you are. You can have therapy sessions from home, work, or any private place.
  2. Comfort and Privacy: Being in your own space can make it easier to talk and open up during therapy. Teletherapy also keeps your therapy sessions private since you don’t have to go to an office.
  3. Flexibility: You can schedule therapy sessions at times that work best for you, including evenings and weekends.
  4. Continuity of Care: If you travel a lot or have a busy schedule, teletherapy allows you to keep having regular sessions with your therapist, no matter where you are.
  5. Reduced Stigma: Some feel embarrassed about visiting a counselor’s office. Virtual sessions can help reduce this embarrassment and make it easier to seek help.

Who Can Benefit from Virtual Sessions?

Teletherapy is great for many different people, including:

  • Busy Professionals: People with demanding jobs can easily fit virtual sessions into their schedules.
  • Parents and Caregivers: Teletherapy allows parents and caregivers to get support without needing to find someone to watch their kids.
  • Individuals with Mobility Issues: Teletherapy is perfect for people with difficulty traveling due to physical disabilities or chronic illnesses.
  • Rural Residents: People living in remote areas can get mental health services that are unavailable nearby.
  • Students: College students can fit virtual sessions into their busy academic schedules.
  • Anyone Seeking Convenience: Virtual sessions are ideal for anyone who wants ease of getting therapy from home.


How Teletherapy Benefits the Everyday Person

Teletherapy can help people improve their mental health every day. It makes getting support easier, more flexible, and more private. Virtual sessions help people take care of their mental health without dealing with the challenges of traditional therapy.


How can Carolina Therapy Connection help?

Meet Imani Rodriguez; she is here to explain the benefits of online therapy for all ages!


We can help by setting up a free screening with one of our mental wellness counselors to get started! At Carolina Therapy Connection, we offer high-quality teletherapy services that fit into your life. Contact us today to learn more about our virtual session options and take the first step toward better mental health.


Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Activity at Home

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Activity at Home

Try this fun activity at home with your child- it can be adjusted for any age!

Instructions for the activity:

  • Make alphabet flash cards for your child to pick from
  • Have your child find something inside or outside that begins with that letter
  • Encourage your child to say the letter and the object
  • Talk about what the object does or how it is used
  • Have them write it out for extra practice!

How will this activity help my child succeed?

  • The alphabet scavenger hunt will help your child experience meaningful, hands-on alphabet practice
  • It integrates real-world identification with letters and sounds
  • This activity can provide necessary social interaction skills and even be made into a friendly competition with other children

We want to see your scavenger hunts.. tag us in your pics on social media!






Scavenger hunt

Teletherapy Services From the Comfort of Your Home

What is Teletherapy?

Teletherapy is delivering online therapy services with one of our speech, occupational, or physical therapists  through telecommunication technology, often from a distance. Technology can now connect therapists with clients no matter the distance or situation.Telespeech – teletherapy – telehealth – telepractice – telerehabilitation…as with many labels, it’s interchangeable in this regard.We live in a world with constantly evolving technology and new and fancy inventions that keep our brains buzzing trying to keep up. Our basic communication skills are evolving at a rate that is lightning fast (see: Twitter, Facebook, Email). Why shouldn’t therapy services be evolving with the technology, as well?

How does teletherapy work?

Through a secure platform, therapists link to clients via an internet connection, web portal, and two-way live video. Through the platform, the kiddo can interact with the therapist just as he/she would if it was an in-person session. There can be hands-on activities, activities involving the platform, and even interactive games between the two. Often, a caregiver is on the end with the kiddo providing cueing and any “hands-on” techniques that might be needed by the instruction of the therapist.

Have you used any type of video calling on your cell phone? Then you know how the foundation of live video works in teletherapy! Teletherapy sessions are identical to face-to-face sessions, except instead of in person, you’re on a two-way video call.

Does it have the same impact as traditional face-to-face therapy?

Luckily, there has been a lot of research on teletherapy as it continues to grow as a service delivery model. Research has found very few differences between teletherapy and traditional in-person therapy!

Also, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has recognized teletherapy as an effective method of service delivery since 2005. You can find their statement regarding the matter here.

With any type of treatment, there isn’t a blanket statement that can be made with a “100% guarantee that this will work!” Just like some children respond better to whole groups than small groups, or some children can wear long sleeves and others can’t – some children will benefit greatly from this method and others will benefit more from a traditional face-to-face, 1:1 setting.

What do I need for teletherapy?

If you have a computer, a microphone, and a camera (which most computers/laptops have automatically now), you’re set! You’ll also need a strong internet connection. As long as you have those items, you can engage in teletherapy sessions.

What are the key benefits of teletherapy?

  • Convenience! Your child can now engage in therapy without leaving your home and you don’t have to feel like you need to clean up for a clinician to visit your home.
  • Kids love technology. Yes, there are opposite opinions regarding technology with children as a whole, but sometimes it needs to be embraced. Today’s children just don’t know a time without screens – and that’s OK. Most children love online video interaction and are highly motivated by it. Also, children can feel more comfortable in this setting than with an unfamiliar person. While a lot of adults might not understand the constant connection, kids do.
  • Access to providers you typically wouldn’t have access to otherwise. Those in rural areas can access therapy in their kitchen instead of having to drive an hour to a rural clinic. If you need a specialized treatment approach (like feeding therapy) that few are qualified in, teletherapy can connect you with that special therapist. The options provided to clients has grown tremendously with the introduction of teletherapy.
  • Less cancelled sessions 
  • There are no transportation concerns.
  • Children’s attention may be greater with teletherapy. Children are drawn to technology. The interactive platform and interactive games on the computer with the therapists are motivating and keep a lot of students engaged for longer amounts of time.

Check out this video of our kiddo’s using Teletherapy at CTC!

If you are interested in setting up a teletherapy session for your child, please contact us! We would love to get started with you!
